Gmail Delegate Accounts
You can delegate access to your Gmail to another person so they can read, send, and delete messages on your behalf. Delegates don’t have permission to change your account password or account settings, or chat on your behalf. Here’s how:
1. Log into Gmail, open the gear menu, then click Settings:
2. Switch to the accounts tab, then click “Add another account” in the “Grant access to your account” section:
3. In the window that pops up, enter the email address of your delegate then click “Next Step”:
4. Gmail will ask you to confirm — check the email address then click “Send email to grant access”:
The delegate will then receive an email invite and receive delegate access to your account.
Any messages someone else sends from your account will have your name listed in addition to the other person’s name, so they’ll show the sender as: Your Name (sent by Delegate).
Revoke Delegate Access to Your Account
1. In Gmail, open the gear menu, then click Settings:
2. You will see delegate accounts listed in the accounts tab under “Grant access to your account”. To revoke delegate access to your email account, simply click “delete”.
I have been given delegate access to an account, how do I get to it?
1. Open the account menu in Gmail by clicking on your email in the upper right corner of the screen, select “Switch account”, then click on your delegate’s account to access it.