Disclaimer - Kindle

Kindle Promotion Frequently Asked Questions
This legal notice governs your acceptance and use of the Kindle e-reader provided to course participants. Please read it carefully. By accepting the Kindle, you acknowledge and agree to the following. If you do not agree or are otherwise prohibited from receiving the Kindle under your company’s policies, you should not accept the offered Kindle. Use of the Kindle is not required for full class participation and benefit.
- The supply of a Kindle e-reader to class participants is limited to pre-registered participants who have prepaid for the course and are present at the first class session. Course participants should only accept a Kindle if its receipt is consistent with their company’s policy regarding conflict of interest, the receipt of gifts and the use of electronic devices.
- The color and model of Kindle qualified participants receive may vary. Any picture or representation of the Kindle in the John M. Campbell catalogue, website or other promotional materials is strictly for illustrative purposes.
- Course Materials have not been pre-loaded on the Kindle. John M. Campbell and Company has preloaded certain educational materials on the Kindle, including “Campbell Tips of the Month” and technical papers designed to enhance the training experience. Unless otherwise indicated, the documents preloaded on the Kindle shall remain the property of their owners and authors and may not be reproduced or given to third parties without the permission of the documents’ owner or author.
- No Warranty. The Kindle e-reader is provided to class participants in an “as is” condition. Neither John M. Campbell and Company nor Amazon.com, Inc. provide a warranty of any kind, express or implied, as to the Kindle or any materials preloaded on the Kindle. Technical questions concerning the use and operation of the Kindle may be referred to the related FAQ on the Amazon.com website.
- No Endorsement. The supply of a Kindle e-reader to class participants by John M. Campbell and Company does not represent an endorsement, recommendation or favoring of the Kindle e-reader over any other product. John M. Campbell and Company has no commercial affiliation with Amazon.com, Inc. and has received no remuneration from Amazon.com, Inc. related to the distribution of the Kindle e-reader to class participants. The Kindle is provided to class participants at no additional cost above the price stated in John M. Campbell and Company’s current catalogue.
John M. Campbell & Company is dedicated to providing the most effective training in the Oil and Gas Industry, including the use of technological advancements to improve the training experience. We hope that you enjoy the use of the Kindle both during the class and after its conclusion. We look forward to seeing your in future training classes.