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The Campbell Gas Course™
G-4 - Gas Conditioning and Processing
G-4 - LNG Gas Conditioning and Processing - LNG Emphasis
G-4 Short Courses - Gas Conditioning and Processing Virtual Short Courses
G-3 - Gas Conditioning and Processing Principles - Online Course
G-2 - Overview of Gas Processing
G-29 - LNG Short Course: Technology and the LNG Chain
PF-82 - Carbon Capture from Stationary Industrial Sources
G-5 - Practical Computer Simulation Applications in Gas Processing (formerly Gas Conditioning & Processing - Special)
G-6 - Gas Treating and Sulfur Recovery
PF-49G - Troubleshooting Gas Processing Facilities
PSE - Process Safety Engineering Principles
PS-4 - Process Safety Engineering
PF-2 - Introduction to Oil & Gas Production & Processing Facilities
PF-3 - Choosing the Right Facilities Equipment for the Reservoir
OWPF-nFE - Oil Well Pad Facilities for Non-Facilities Engineers
PF-82 - Carbon Capture from Stationary Industrial Sources
PSE - Process Safety Engineering Principles
PF-4 - Oil Production & Processing Facilities
PF-21 - Applied Water Technology in Oil and Gas Production
PF-22 - Corrosion Management in Production/Processing Operations
PF-23 - Fundamental and Practical Aspects of Produced Water Treating
OWPF-FE - Oil Well Pad Facilities for Facilities Engineers
PF-45 - Onshore Gas Gathering Systems: Design & Operation
PF-44 - Relief and Flare Systems
PF-49G - Troubleshooting Gas Processing Facilities
PF-49O - Troubleshooting Oil Processing Facilities
PF-81 - CO2 Surface Facilities
OS-4 - Fundamentals of Offshore Systems Design and Construction
OS-21 - Overview of Offshore Systems
SS-2 - Overview of Subsea Systems
FAOP - Flow Assurance for Offshore Production
Pipeline Engineering, Construction, and Operations - Online Course
PL-22 - Pipeline Systems Overview
PL-42 - Onshore Pipeline Facilities - Design, Construction and Operations
PL-43 - Offshore Pipeline Design and Construction
PL-44 - Terminals and Storage Facilities
Instrumentation, Controls and Electrical Training
ICE-21 - Instrumentation, Controls and Electrical Systems for Facilities Engineers
E-3 - Electrical Engineering Fundamentals for Facilities Engineers
IC-3 - Instrumentation and Controls Fundamentals for Facilities Engineers
IC-73 - Flow and Level Custody Measurement
IC-74 - Regulatory Control and PID Loop Tuning
BRM - Basics of Rotating Mechanical Equipment - Online Course
BSM - Basics of Static Equipment - Online Course
PF-22 - Corrosion Management in Production/Processing Operations
ME-41 - Piping Systems - Mechanical Design and Specification
ME-43 - Mechanical Specification of Pressure Vessels and Heat Exchanges
ME-44 - Fundamentals of Pump and Compressor Systems
REL5 - Process Plant Reliability and Maintenance Strategies
ME-46 - Compressor Systems - Mechanical Design and Specification
Operations & Maintenance Training
OT-1 Oil and Gas Processing Facilities for Operations & Maintenance
OT-43 LNG Facilities for Operations & Maintenance
OT-50 Crude Oil Pipeline Operations
TSOM - Turnaround, Shutdown and Outage Management
OM-21 Applied Maintenance Management
OM-23 Essential Leadership Skills for Technical Professionals
OM-41 Maintenance Planning and Work Control
FOE - Fractionation Operations for Early-Career Engineers
Production and Completions Engineering
PO3 - Surface Production Operations
PTO - Production Technology for Other Disciplines
FAOP - Flow Assurance for Offshore Production
GPO - Gas Production Engineering
GWD - Gas Well Deliquification
PO2 - Performance Analysis, Prediction, and Optimization Using NODAL™ Analysis
ASC - Acidizing Applications in Sandstones and Carbonates
AHF - Advanced Hydraulic Fracturing
CAW - Completions and Workovers
DRP - Downhole Remediation Practices for Mature Oil and Gas Wells
FD - Formation Damage: Causes, Prevention, and Remediation
HML2 - Horizontal and Multilateral Wells: Completions and Stimulation
HFU - Hydraulic Fracturing Applications
URCS - Unconventional Resources Completion and Stimulation
HOWM - Water Management in Heavy Oil Resource Operations
WS - Well Stimulation: Practical and Applied
Procurement / Supply Chain Management Training
SC-41 Contracts and Tenders Fundamentals
SC-42 Effective Materials Management
SC-61 Inside Procurement in Oil and Gas
SC-62 Strategic Procurement & Supply Management in the O&G Business
SC-63 Supplier Relationship Mgmt
SC-64 Cost/Price Analysis and Total Cost Concepts in Supply Mgmt
RF-31 Fundamentals of Refining Technology
RF-61 Refinery Gas Treating, Sour Water, Sulfur and Tail Gas
PF-21 Applied Water Technology in Oil and Gas Production
PF-22 Corrosion Management in Production/Processing Operations
PF-23 Fundamental and Practical Aspects of Produced Water Treating
Reliability Engineering Training
REL-5 Process Plant Reliability and Maintenance Strategies
Health, Safety, Environment (below links open on main PetroSkills site)
HS45 - Risk Based Process Safety Management
PS-2 Fundamentals of Process Safety
PS-4 Process Safety Engineering
HS45 - Risk Based Process Safety Management
SCRE - Spill Control and Remediation Engineering
Petroleum Business Training (below links open on main PetroSkills site)
EWP - Economics of Worldwide Petroleum Production
PFA - Petroleum Finance and Accounting
PRD - Petroleum Risk and Decision Analysis
IPC - International Petroleum Contracts
PPM - Petroleum Project Management
ADA - Advanced Decision Analysis with Portfolio and Project Modeling
IOG - Fundamentals of International Oil and Gas Law
STT - Strategic Thinking: A Tool-Based Approach
Petroleum Professional Development (Links open on main PetroSkills site)
ICQ - Professional Business and Technical Communication
OM23 - Essential Leadership Skills for Technical Professionals
PSPI - Presentation Skills for Petroleum Industry
HPT - High Performance Petroleum Teams
PSP - Personnel Supervision in the Petroleum Industry
MMF - Meeting Management and Facilitation for the Petroleum Industry
Project Management Training (below links open on main PetroSkills site)
IPM - Introduction to Project Management
FPM2 - Project Management in Upstream Field Development
FPM22 - Project Management for Engineering and Construction (formerly OM-22)
P3ME - Petroleum Project & Program Management Essentials
PC21- Project Controls for Contractors and Owners
FPM42 - Managing Brownfield Projects (formerly OM-42)
PPM - Petroleum Project Management
PMRM - Risk Management for Upstream Capital Projects
FPM62 - Advanced Project Management
Advanced Project Management II – FPM63
Advanced Project Management Workshop - APMW
Construction Management for the Project Professional - FPM64
Petroleum Project Changes and Claims Workshop - PPCC