Gas Processing Training Courses

The Gas Processing Progression covers equipment and processes primarily focused on the handling of natural gas and its associated liquids. Main topics covered include fundamentals, natural gas characterization, phase behavior, vapor-liquid equilibrium, basic thermodynamics, and water-hydrocarbon behavior, as well as all the key equipment to process natural gas.
For more information about these Gas Processing courses, or to register, please choose from the titles listed below.
Basic Courses
G-2: Overview of Gas Processing
G-3: Gas Conditioning and Processing Principles - Online Course
G-29: LNG Short Course: Technology and the LNG Chain
PF-82 - Carbon Capture from Stationary Industrial Sources
PSE: Process Safety Engineering Principles - Online Course
Foundation Courses
G-4: Gas Conditioning and Processing (The Campbell Gas Course™)
G-4 LNG: Gas Conditioning and Processing - LNG Emphasis
PS-4: Process Safety Engineering
Intermediate Courses
G-5: Practical Computer Simulation Applications in Gas Processing
G-6: Gas Treating and Sulfur Recovery
PF-49G: Troubleshooting Gas Processing Facilities
Online Learning Modules
These individual modules are available online. Work through them at your pace, whenever and wherever you need them.
Hydrocarbon Components and Physical Properties
Introduction to Production and Gas Processing Facilities
Qualitative Phase Behavior and Vapor Liquid Equilibrium
Water / Hydrocarbon Phase Behavior
Thermodynamics and Application of Energy Balances
Heat Transfer Equipment Overview
Pumps and Compressors Overview
Refrigeration, NGL Extraction and Fractionation
Contaminant Removal - Gas Dehydration
Contaminant Removal - Acid Gas and Mercury
Course Progression: