Facilities Engineering Training

The oil and gas industry is constantly changing and growing. Opportunities
for advancement abound but the skills necessary to be successful in management
are often beyond the original engineering knowledge. Managers and supervisors
have to be good leaders, knowledgeable in a broad range of disciplines, and
able to develop their workforce.
The development of leadership skills is the purpose of our Operations
Management (OM) discipline. While John M Campbell & Company is the
exclusive provider of Facilities Training for PetroSkills, we believe that our
Operations Management training classes are appropriate for all aspects of the
oil and gas industry, not just the facilities side.
The development of skills and increased competency is the goal of OM to promote
individual success in the following key areas:
- Maintenance Management, Planning & Work Control
- Project Management
- Managing Turnarounds
- Organizational Development
- Warehouse Operations
- Production Operations
- Leadership & Team Building
To accelerate the learning curve, participants can utilize the Competency
Analysis Tool (CAT) to determine areas that need development as well as
actively engaging our experience instructors in discussions for advice.
Training courses available in the Operations Management discipline
OM-21 Applied Maintenance
Management provides essential knowledge required for achieving
excellence in maintenance management. All participants will engage in a pre and
a post training self-assessment. This assists in showing personal development
and builds confidence for improved work performance after the training.
Project Management for Engineering and Construction includes a
comprehensive presentation and discussion of modern project management
principles and practices to help the project manager make the best decisions
possible. The use of individual and group activities allows participants to
develop decision making and team work skills.
OM-23 Essential Leadership
Skills provides training to help you unleash natural motivation in your
team while lowering your stress level by working more efficiently and
effectively by tapping the emotional intelligence of your team. In
addition to lecture and discussion, participants will also engage in
role-playing and create personal action plans.
OM-41 Maintenance
Planning and Work Control is designed to build competency in Work
Control as a primary skill set in the Competency Map for Facilities Maintenance
Management with a pre and post self-assessment used to measure
improvement. It will focus on the six phases of work management: work
identification, planning, prioritization, scheduling, execution and history
OM-42 Managing Brownfield
Projects is designed to teach skills to better plan and manage
projects in existing facilities, including process shutdown, contractor
management, commissioning and start up
Further skill development can be found in our Procurement/Supply Chain Management
classes and the growing field of Reliability Engineering.
For more information on the dates and locations for upcoming courses in the
Operations Management discipline or any of our other disciples, please refer to
our training schedule.