Liquefied Natural Gas Training

John M Campbell & Company’s history is tied closely with training in Gas Processing. It begins in 1955 when company founder, Dr. John M Campbell, published a 54 part series on surface production facilities for the Oil and Gas Journal. These articles are the original basis for our Gas Conditioning and Processing training which has been a cornerstone in our training catalog since the company’s inception.
The Gas Processing discipline covers equipment and processes primarily focused on the handling of natural gas and its associated liquids. The wellhead is the starting point, ending with delivery of the processed gas, meeting the required specifications, into a sales gas or reinjection pipeline. Recovered natural gas liquids (NGL) are delivered to an export point – either a pipeline or storage facility.
Level: Basic
G-1 Overview of the Natural Gas Business and Basics of Gas Processing – Geared toward the non-technical personnel who need basic understanding of principles in the gas processing industry.
G-2 Overview of Gas Processing Basic principles and terminology of the gas processing industry delivered on a technical level.
G-29 LNG Short Course: Technology and the LNG Chain - Technical overview of technology in the Liquid Natural Gas chain and key commercial issues.
Level: Foundation
G-40 Process/Facility Fundamentals – Intensive overview of facility/process engineering principles and applications to solve problems.
Level: Intermediate
G-4 Gas Conditioning and Processing – Also known as the Campbell course, Gas Conditioning and Processing is our premiere course and has set the industry standard for gas processing training for over 40 years.
G-5 Advanced Applications in Gas Processing – An accelerated version of the popular G-4 that uses a commercial simulator for calculations.
G-6 Gas Treating and Sulfur Recovery – Training with an emphasis on process selection, practical operating issues, technical fundamentals and integration of the sweetening faculties into the overall scheme of gas processing.
Level: Specialized
G-7 Process Simulation in Gas Conditioning and Processing – This advanced course builds upon information learned during the G-4 or compatible training to increase productively through the efficient use of process simulators.
For more information on the dates and locations for upcoming Gas Processing training or any of our other disciples, please refer to our training schedule.